This Pandemic Health and Safety Plan is based on the on-going guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Department of Education (Preliminary Guidance for Phased Reopening of Pre-K to 12 Schools), and the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Please be assured that the safety and health of our students, staff, and families are our first priority.
As you know, Lackawanna County is currently in the “Green Phase” and will plan to run our programs as described in the Green Phase. If things change, and we move to the Yellow Phase, we will still be able to run our programs as described. If we are mandated to move to the Red Phase, we will make the necessary decisions about remote learning. Our guidelines are as follows:
Prior to Orientation Day, September 8, 2020, we will:
- conduct a deep cleaning and ventilation of the school.
- train all staff and visitors to follow these guidelines and discuss regularly as changes are made from phase to phase.
- share these guidelines with our families.
- explain them to the students on the first day of school and will remind them regularly.
During the Academic Year we will:
- promote healthy hygiene practices: (All 3 Phases)
- teach and reinforce hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes among children and staff.
- If children sneeze or cough into their hands, they will wash them.
- Children will wash hands before and after eating and using the bathroom.
- teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings or face shields among all staff and visitors...especially when social distancing is not possible.
- have adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene - including soap, hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol), tissues, and no-touch trash cans.
- All students, staff, and visitors will use hand sanitizer upon arrival.
- All will use hand sanitizer every time they move to a different classroom.
- All will also use sanitizer before and after going outside to play.
- All will use sanitizer before and after using classroom materials and learning materials.
- require students to bring face masks or shields to they will be worn when they work in close proximity with each other and the staff.
- They will have hooks where they can hang them when they are eating snack/lunch, drinking, or doing strenuous exercise (inside or outside).
- Full day children will also have a mask break when they have a Brain Break on the mats as they will be spaced at least 6’ apart.
- If your child has a medical exemption, he/she does not need to bring a mask.
- If you have a lanyard for the mask, your child can use that instead of hanging it on a hook.
- refrain from using the public water fountain.
- Water is available to all children and staff in disposable cups.
- use table top clear protective barriers when sitting at the tables during small group lessons or activities
- post signs related to how to stop the spread of COVID-19, properly wash hands, wear face coverings, and everyday practices of protective measures.
- intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation: (All 3 Phases)
- clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (door knobs, sink faucets, toilet flushing handles…) at least daily.
- Bathrooms will be cleaned numerous times throughout the day.
- ensure safe and correct applications of disinfectants and keep products away from children.
- ensure ventilation by using fans.
- ensure social distancing:
- Restrict numbers of people to 25.
- There will not be more than 25 people in the building at one time. Most of the time, children will be working in small groups of 12 or less. For example, the older children will be in one group and the younger children will be in another. Within the older group, there will be about 6 kindergarten children working with an adult and about 6 pre-kindergarten children working with an adult.
- Restrict non-essential visitors and volunteers.
- Space seating 6 feet apart.
- Stagger and disinfect between uses of close communal areas.
- Stagger arrival and drop off times.
- Limit direct contact with parents and guardians as much as possible.
- Restrict numbers of people to 25.
- There will not be more than 25 people in the building at one time. Most of the time, children will be working in small groups of 12 or less. For example, the older children will be in one group and the younger children will be in another. Within the older group, there will be about 6 kindergarten children working with an adult and about 6 pre-kindergarten children working with an adult.
- Restrict non-essential visitors and volunteers.
- Space seating 6 feet apart.
- Stagger and disinfect between uses of close communal areas.
- Stagger arrival and drop off times.
- Limit direct contact with parents and guardians as much as possible.
- Depending on the mandate from the governor, we will most likely have options for you to choose from.
- limit sharing: (All 3 Phases)
- keep each child’s belongings separated from each other.
- label cubbies and hooks.
- ensure adequate supplies to minimize sharing of scissors, glue, pencils...etc.
- avoid sharing of foods and utensils.
- have children will bring lunch boxes labeled with their names on them for their snacks and lunches.
- Whatever is not eaten will be thrown away.
- serve individually plated snacks on Fridays
- Children bring their snacks on Mondays through Thursdays.
- have full day children bring their own lunches each day.
- monitor and prepare: (All 3 Phases)
- check for all signs and symptoms of illness:
- Implement daily screenings safely and respectfully.
- Confidentiality should be maintained.
- Temperatures will be taken upon arrival and again in the afternoon for full day students.
- Staff and children who are sick (showing any symptoms of COVID-19) must stay home.
- plan for when a child or staff member gets sick:
- Identify an isolation area for sick children to wait in while their parent/guardian drives to the school to pick them up.
- Close off any isolation area for at least 24 hours after a sick person was in it. Clean and disinfect the area after 24 hours.
- Inform anyone who is diagnosed with COVID-19 to stay home and quarantine for 14 days or until cleared by a physician.
- Train back-up staff in case staff members get sick.
- communicate with parents/guardians regarding any changes to the guidelines, especially if the Phases or governor mandates change.
A physical copy of this plan will be kept at the school and available to The Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Private Schools or to anyone upon request.
The Carriage Barn Academy Pandemic Coordinator is the Education Director, Chris Fryer. If you have any concerns or questions, please call or text the school 570-335-1750.